Introducing Breast and Body Plastic Surgeon Dr. Peter Krasniak


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Our Advanced Techniques in Breast Lift Surgery

-by board-certified plastic surgeon Ashley N. Amalfi, MD A woman’s body undergoes numerous changes throughout her life, and the breasts are often significantly affected. Factors such as pregnancy, weight fluctuations, aging, and genetics can lead to sagging or drooping breasts, impacting both physical appearance and self-confidence. In such cases, a breast lift surgery, also known as …

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The Lifesaving Importance of Breast Health, Mammograms, and Early Detection

Breast health is an integral part of a woman's overall well-being, and it's crucial for all individuals to be proactive in maintaining it. Mammograms, along with early detection through regular breast self-exams and clinical check-ups, play a significant role in preventing and combating breast cancer, one of the most common diseases affecting women worldwide. Safety …
