16 Questions with Dr. Heather Lee
Dr. Heather Lee

If you follow the Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery on social media, you’ve seen the work performed by double-board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Heather Lee, and there’s no question that she creates some beautiful results for her patients using both surgical and non-surgical methods. And while it’s crucial to know that your surgeon is the right fit for you from a results standpoint, it’s also fun to learn that maybe you have some things in common! Check out this recent mini-interview Dr. Lee had with her Patient Consultant, Lisa, for some fun facts that you might not have known about Dr. Lee!

Dr. Lee's parents
Dr. Lee’s parents with her son.

1. What is your most prized possession? Why? A weaving shuttle that my great-great grandmother used from Korea – we don’t really have a lot of things like this in our family from previous generations.

2. What is your “go-to” midnight snack? Ice Cream, and while Cookies & Cream is a favorite, I don’t really discriminate when it comes to ice cream!

3. What was the best piece of advice you received from your parents? Encouragement that you can do anything you want in this world.

4. What is your guilty pleasure? Karaoke and sugar.

5. What are 2 things on your bucket list you have yet to complete? Climbing all of the peaks of the Adirondacks and island hopping in Greece.

6. What motto do you live by? Treat people the way you want to be treated and to always live with integrity.

7. If you were not a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, what would you want to be when you grow up? If I had ANY talent at all, I would have wanted to be a singer.

8. What do you recall as being your favorite age growing up? I feel like both ages 6 and 16 were pretty great!

9. Do you watch TV? If so, what was the last show you binge watched? Sometimes I watch TV, and I most recently binged Alone on the History Channel.

Dr. Lee's daughter in the garden
Dr. Lee’s little gardener, her daughter.

10. In a previous interview, you mentioned that gardening is one of your hobbies. How did you get interested in gardening? My mother and one of my best friends from residency taught me to Bonsai. It’s amazing to watch life grow!

11. What song immediately gets you on the dance floor? Anything from Stevie Wonder.

12. What’s one thing that can immediately make your day better? Laughter!

13. Which surgical procedure gives you the most satisfaction? Why? For immediate satisfaction, the facelift procedure. It’s like turning back time! Long term, the rhinoplasty procedure because there’s so much that goes into getting a great result.

14. Who inspires you in your career? Dr. Quatela! And my residency attendings: Dr. Bumpous and Dr. Winstead.

15. What do you remember most about your first job? I worked at a souvenir shop. It was very boring; I spent the days dusting off the merchandise. It was then that I realized I had to LOVE what I do.

16. What was your favorite family vacation as a kid? Hiking at Big Bend National Park.

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